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Original track order:

01. Eric's Trip - Stove
02. Verve - Blue
03. Slowdive - Brighter
04. Swirlies - Vigilant Always
05. My Bloody Valentine - Off Your Face
06. Shyy - As I Fly
07. Pale Saints - The Sight of You
08. DIIV - (Druun)
09. Chapterhouse - Treasure
10. Ride - Leave Them All Behind
11. Spacemen 3 - OD Catastrophe
12. Autolux - Sugarless
13. Lush - Scarlet
14. Reading Rainbow - Wasting Time
15. No Joy - Ghost Blonde
16. Ringo Deathstarr - Rip
17. Black Angels - Black Grease
18. Jesus and Mary Chain - My Little Underground
19. Crocodiles - I Want to Kill
20. Japancakes - Soon
