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tough times don't last; tough people do


"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but building the new."

Dedicated to the lovely oldandnewpride who has touched me in ways I don't understand. I owe this one to her.

9 tracks
4 comments on tough times don't last; tough people do

@twinkeypop21 I was hospitalised for over a month last time we spoke, but I've gained 13 kilos since then and continue to fight through my battle - as best as we all can. You've been so extremely kind to me when this illness makes us feel so alone, thank you for everything. I hope that you're doing well and life is going as easy as possible on you.

@oldandnewpride I am sorry to hear that, but I am very thankful that you are alive and maybe not completely well, but again, that you are alive. You're life matters, although I do not know you, I feel as though I do. I know how tough life can get, but keep fighting! My journey with Ana has hit a few bumps recently, but I constantly think of you and pray that you are well! I was hospitalized as well a few months ago, after falling for a bit, but its how you decide to get up that makes you a fighter. Never give up, message me if you ever need support!
