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Sugoi!!! Soundtracks


For @monnacos. May you have the courage of Mononoke-Hime, the curiosity of Lucy Pevensie, the wit of Elizabeth Bennett, and the confidence of Viktor Nikiforov. Or, idk, just enjoy some soundtracks. :)

1-12: peaceful to epic
13-21: curious to adventurous

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21 tracks
7 comments on Sugoi!!! Soundtracks

Before 8tracks closes, I just wanted to let you know that this playlist meant so much to me! I was in a really terrible work position for a while and listening to this playlist is truly what got me through some days. It is so beautiful and uplifting and it kept me going. Thank you so much for creating it <3

((ohhh this is why u asked me for my favorite composers)) OMG thank you so much!!!! This is amazing. I am so honored to have a playlist made just for me!! :D
