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acoustic love

7 comments on acoustic love

One more thing to add is: Even if you may or may not believe in the one true God, His love for those who trust in His Son Jesus Christ for salvation.. is the true and fulfilling definition of what love is. I hope that anybody who reads this will have their heart opened and seek after God.. His true nature -- is not what people think, or say what God is. The Bible is the infallible and preserved word of God and it has all the answers to life, who we are, what was, what is, and what will be..Absolute, universal truth! If your heart truly does seek truth, God will make Himself known. His LOVE IS FOREVER not circumstantial like human love (which is based on how fickle people's emotions and desires). God does not change. :) Deuteronomy 4:29 - But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find [him], if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. Proverbs 8:17 - I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.

These songs are so sweet. It reminds me of the blissful innocent days of young "love". Now, these songs are just hopeful love songs. I would not recommend going after a person when you are young, because the mind is so immature and inexperienced. Go out and determine your strengths and weaknesses -- improve yourself and be okay with solitude. I am really thankful that Jesus Christ is my Savior and I have salvation. I repented of my sins, Jesus Christ washed the sins all away, and Heaven is my home, because of what Jesus did for me on that cross. He died and rose again and is truly alive. What a Savior! Anyways, the soul mate/help mate that God purposed for me is someone out there. Thus, I shall not fret. n_n
