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It's my favourite time of year, so here's a chilled winter mix to listen to while you're looking out the window at the snow with a cup of tea.
Includes songs by Simon and Garfunkel (as always), Fleet Foxes, the Low Anthem and The Decemberists. Enjoy!

15 tracks
2 comments on Winter.

i would like to take the time to say that i have checked 8tracks every day this month in anticipation of a new unknownhorcrux mix. winter is by far the best time of year, and this mix is by far the best thing that happened to me this week. that is to say, if mixes cam "happen". january hymn is an awesome first song, and your cover is delightful. just an overall "well-done" on this mix and your chilled musical existence. merry wintertime!

Oh I'm so glad you liked the mix! I'm quite fond of this one, so you being so nice about it has really made my day :) A Christmas mix will be up soon, probably after I've done my saxophone exam in a couple of weeks, but I just wanted to make a sort of winter chill (geddit? ;D) playlist to tide over my mix-making cravings. I'm so happy you like it, and thank you for always being so lovely. You are truly my music twin.
Happy winter!
