66 comments on Insert Indie Song Here (Dubstep Remix) PART 5 by UnstUnstUnst

Great playlist, added it to IMBC Music: dubstep-remix-part-5" rel="external">http://www.itmustbecollege.com/music/remixes/447/insert-indie-song-...

I would like to say this MIX is literally helping me get through my work day... and current BS relationship drama. WOW... crazzzyyyyyyyyyy sauce right now!?? :):):):):) Just had to share.

I am so glad you are enjoying it and that it is helping you through your day :) Keep your head up, we all have crazy days like that <3

:) thanks for the reply... we do... and ALL these songs are just amaziing. I am a HARD CORE dubstep fan and am usually not too keen on "remixed" songs I already know... I have been proven wrong. lol these are all seriously great. :):):):) KUDOS!
