DJ MARU began his involvement with Japanese rock in the late 90s, when Visual Kei rock was not yet familiar to the general public in Italy, and Japanese music was only known by a very limited group of Japanese language and culture students.

In September 2008 DJ MARU has partecipated to BLOOD “Lost Sky” Remix Contest on Myspace.

In January 2009 DJ MARU has begun to work as manager for band Gothika at the Fano Moonlight Festival.

In February 2009 DJ MARU has begun to work as Italian Promoters for RAGE TOUR agency.

He has created a new Blog ( ? ITALIA) where promotes all Italian Visual Kei and J-Rock events with Demands, Petitions and much more, trying to create a network with italian Forums and Associations interested on topic.

DJ MARU was involved in the italian venue organization and promotion of Ra:IN European Tour 2009. He was involved also in 2011 Versailles Philarmonic Quintet "Holy Grail" Tour in Rome (Italy) and Orleans (France).

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Updated December 16, 2012

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