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My entrepreneurial spirit was engraved in my personality very early on. Arriving in Rosemont, IL at the tender age of 4 from Bulgaria instilled in me fundamental values I still cherish today. Being relatively independent at such a young age allowed my intuitively inquisitive nature to flourish. I began understanding methods of persuasion and how each individual's subconscious lens of perception largely dictates his/her actions. I internalize these essential skills long before I categorized them in fancy technical jargon.

Yes, I engaged in stereotypical entrepreneurial endeavors. (Selling lemonade with absurdly high profit margins, bartering rare Yu-gi-oh and Pokémon cards for roller blades and other valuables, and befriending older kids in order to boost my reputation.)

Throughout high school I incorporated these invaluable lessons in my quest towards continually developing every facet of my impressionable personality. I focused my time on educating myself on a multitude of subjects, emulating histories outliners, and assimilating diverse packets of information throughout personal projects.

My academic, social, and athletic journey during these 19 tender years have constantly been refined through outstanding teachers, close friends, and internet’s vast catalog of information. Through these sources I have conditioned myself to be unconditioned. I am able to hold together opposites, thus enabling me to understand the perception of other individuals in order to most effectively articulate my ideas. I strive to improve daily by establishing dreams with deadlines, and then acting upon them pragmatically in the present moment.

I attend Carthage on a full scholarship. I credit Stumbleupon, Tim Ferriss, and Tony Robbins for my academic and social success in a multitude of fields. A two time DECA National champion, an avid tennis player, an above average quarterback, and a developing DJ.

It is my belief that although much of my life is predetermined; the actions I take are not. I thrive on being open-minded and trying out everything in order to gage what I enjoy doing. My passion thus resides in becoming an entrepreneur. It provides the opportunity to express myself in projects for the betterment of not only myself, but everyone around me. The freedom coalesced with the rush of uncertainty fuels my adventurous nature and allows the amalgamation of my diverse skills to flourish into starting innovative ventures.

I believe that meaning is created through experience. I have colored my blank canvas and went outside the lines.

I will be making new playlist regularly so Follow, Share, Comment and <33

Thanks and enjoy the music.

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Updated February 16, 2013

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