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our love's the slowest moving train


move that train faster shall we

i was going to add more sad, one-sided love songs but then i thought: "nahh"

ay so here's a cheesy playlist for one of my favorite jasico fanfiction ever, Homebound, written by Escopeta on AO3 ( )

art credit: (poor jason someone save him)

14 tracks
2 comments on our love's the slowest moving train

oops hit send prematurely :^) i meant to say that i've had 4 days off from school in a row due to snow days and weekends and i'm about to lose my mind. this playlist and homebound itself are keeping me sane.

ahhh tbh this is a great playlist and it actually made me decide to read homebound!! a friend recommended it to me but i didn't have the time to read it before, now it's the only thing keeping me from going insane on the
