Vanille Ailes
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♡♡You Light Up My Life ♡♡❄❅☃


Hello SØuls,
How you doing?? I hope you're all okay!!!
Christmas are on the way so I decided to make
a playlist all about falling in love in December!!!
As a person I'm really romantic and I find winter
days the perfect time of the year
to have fun and enjoy your time with your bf/gf!!!
Here's a bucket list of things to do with your love :
-Kiss under the mistletoe
-Play in snow
-Bake Christmas cookies together
-Take a walk while it's snowing
-Watch christmas movies and share pop corn
-Game night ^^
-Drink a super fancy hot chocolate while siting next to fireplace
-Take a lot of pictures
-Go to the park and have fun
-Finally express your love to your gf/bf without presents

14 tracks
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