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Jorge Leal > Rock Angelino


Starting in the 1990s a transnational music genre known as “Rock en Español” (REE), which combined gained considerable popularity in Southern California as a Pan Latin-American music genre. First espoused by immigrant youth —who had recently migrated from Latin American cities— REE was quickly embraced by U.S. born Latinas/os. While the genre’s most recognized acts hail from Latin-America, as a Pan-Latina/o metropolis LA fostered the formation of countless homegrown groundbreaking REE bands. The line-ups of these Angelino acts mirrored LA’s REE audience: recent immigrants jamming with second, third, even fourth generation Latinas/os while singing or screaming in Español, English or Spanglish. This list is a sample of the most iconic songs created by LA’s REE bands in the last two decades.

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