Is this playlist safe for work?


4 comments on mélancolie

Really enjoying this playlist, it really gives the Slytherin feel that can only be experienced by those who are one! most definitely tells the story of all the traits needed to be possessed to be a Slytherin as opposed to how everyone just assumes that we are "evil" most definitely faving this!!

@wickedica lol no problem!! i run across a lot of "Slytherin playlists" that are obvi not made by one and i really appreciate ones that actually make me feel like my house !!

@Commonerzcoffi (there was some problem, because i can`t see some comments) yea i've got your point . The dark & evil stuff with slytherin disappoints me as well as cute & sweet hufflepuff. Hey people, houses have different qualities, like, people are different too. I think the understanding of this simple fact is not about being from some particular house, it's about being logical maybe :D and well probably i'm slytherin, but even if no, i know they're something more than darkness lol

being completely honest, I feel like this is not the typical slytherin playlist (and because im THE typical slytherin student) but its such a nice playlist i can't stop listening to it...

I am sorry if this is a stupid question but I just gotta ask: this list says it has 8 tracks. It only plays 4 for me. this is not the first time this happened but usually I don care much and I really enjoy this list and I just would like to know: where are the rest of the tracks? And why don´t they appear/play/whatevs?

@onineko Hi. Sorry for not answering so long. Well, I can't say exactly what's the problem, because when I checked the playlist on my device it worked. Maybe it's because of skipping songs? Also, thank you :з

@lunary hey, no, thank you for answering at all, and also for the mix, again ^_^ Just, could you maybe answer with the rest of the titles? I only see "I´m a ruin", "Big Girl´s Cry", "Iron" and "Money Power Glory" and I´d really like to know the rest =)
