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getting sucked into the night

1 comment on getting sucked into the night

god what an excellent mix tbh, the britney book ends are Perfection, gimme more and if u seek amy is the Perfect sonic and thematic parallel, "they keep watching, feels like they're probably saying, gimme, gimme more," and "love me, hate me, say what you want about me, but can't you see what I see?" are both such Definitive statements about Britney's experience with fame, if they love her, if they hate her, it doesn't really matter, because they all want a show anyway, they want more, more reasons to love her, more reasons to hate her, just more period, songs like trouble and I don't care and games are So perfect too, because she's been playing this game for Years and she's Perfect at it, she doesn't care but they all do and they want it all from her, so she does her job as a performer and she Gives it to them
