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1 comment on Protest & Parade

Hello, I wanted to suggest a song for your playlist, by Alt-Americana artist, Zak Smith.
Zak released “Have You Looked Outside”, in response to the endless cycle of human and civil rights injustices happening in this country at the moment. You can view the music video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbHUQ2WBXb8 and I will send you the mp3 if you decided to use.

Zak was heavily involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement and urges us (Americans) to resist apathy and fight for the kind of change that improves human lives. Using this video as a vehicle, Zak seeks to put an end to corporate greed and corruption, racism, discrimination based on sexual orientation, bigotry that jeopardizes immigration reform, police brutality, etc.

Additionally, you can check out Zak’s op-ed on the subject on Huffington Post Politics at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/zak-smith/what-not-to-be-apathetic-_b_7181830.html

Let me know if you are interested in playing the song.
