58 comments on In The Woods Somewhere by withoutawitness

@withoutawitness Mostly my last comment was a wordy joke. Really just to let you know that 8tracks had some kind of error that removed this playlist. Thank you so much for getting it back up. I'll probably be playing it daily again for awhile. I still find it so lovely, and now even nostalgic for all the good times I've had while listening. @quensiz.saurav I am so glad to hear that I'm not the only one, and dozens of others as well. You've really made something special here. withoutawitness.

@garybutler4 Yeah good music really does wonders....Its amazing how it brings person from different sides of this world together on the same wavelength!!Anyway happy listening!!

I wanna thnk you for this playlist...I listened to it just when i joined 8tracks in 2014....dis playlist introduced me to the indie genre which is barely popular in my country Nepal..but i absolutely adored every songs on your playlist although here in my country its not sort of most listened.....however ur work is really great on this playlist!! keep it coming!! Just dont stop makin playlist!! This playlist really holds a special place for me!!

@quensiz.saurav Hey. I'm so glad to hear that his playlist introduced you to new music. It is incredible to me that something I created affects you, and other people. Thank you for listening, and I try my best to continue making playlists. :)

wow i cant believe there is a last bison song on here! they're a super local band where i'm from and i've never heard their music here except on my own mixes. this is awesome!

@durins i've listend to the last bison on here before, but i actually discovered this song on spotify! it makes me happy that you're excited about them being included in this mix :)

oh shit, this playlist is serious, it grabs my heart and imagination and wont let go. love so many of these artists and to find their new work all at once in a new unexpected place. it brings back the childhood wonder of discovering something new, a new favorite. i'll listen to this one again and again, and even though the playlist isn't even a week old yet, there are evidently dozens of other comments agreeing with me. stay on the cutting edge like this withoutawitness, and you'll never lack followers.

@garybutler4 i've thought a while about how to properly answer to your comment, because it's amazing, and it left me speechless first time reading it. i can't quite believe that something i put together has such an effect on you, and on other people, and it makes me so unbelievably happy. i really hope i can keep up with that work in the future, whenever inspiration decides to come to me again. thank you so much, for listening, and for saying these kind words.
