The Pisces man is full of a complex and contradictory charm that surprises, baffles, seduces and irritates at the same time. His eyes pass through you without seeing you, giving him a mysterious and far-off look. The Pisces man seems to be living in a parallel world and the details of the day-to-day life bore him.

The Pisces man’s intelligence (amazing, sometimes) listens to enigmatic mechanisms from which logic seems to be excluded. It’s more appropriate to say that he functions according to his intuition. If the Pisces man has a dilemma, he finds it hard to decide because of his impression that all the options are correct and wrong at the same time.

One of the keys to his behaviour is the fact that, to the Pisces man, everything is relative. He has an original relation to the material sphere, especially to money: either he is not interested in it or he is very good at making it; however, he spends it on useless things but with a special significance to him. His value scale is completely different from that of the ordinary people. Trying to define and establish a pattern for the Pisces man is meaningless.

Pisces man’s soul is complex, just like the soul of an alembic that distillates sensations and emotions, dreams and aspirations, passion and fluid impressions. Because of the strong sensorial impact on the Pisces man, love has an important place in his life and he lives it in its sublime form, experiencing the mystic love, or in its most debasing and abject form. Love can be the pandemonium or the heaven of his life.

Deep in his soul, the Pisces man carries an ocean of feelings. An ocean, because his love seems not to know any limits, qualitatively or quantitatively. The fact that the famous Casanova was born under the sign of Pisces shouldn’t surprise us, nor the fact that the equally famous Don Juan Tenorio, although he was not of this sign, had four planets in Pisces at birth!

In his youth, the Pisces man is not aware that through his love he is in fact trying to meet heaven, he is searching for God. However, eventually this secret reveals to him and it is not a wonder that this sign gives so many mystics to the world.

TOP TAGS led zeppelin, Wilco, U2, The Strokes, Muse

Member since Dec 2011
