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A Little Bit Shithole Country, A Little Bit Rock ’n’ Roll


I don't know if it’s good or bad,
but I know I love it so…

We scour the indie rock blogoverse for cool new tunes so you don’t have to. Nineteen songs so fresh they sparkle. Featuring contributions from Ty Segall, Salad Boys, No Age, and 16 more bands who look young but didn’t just fall off the turnip truck.

Apologies to the Staleys of Lakewood, Ohio (a photo of whose Datsun station wagon and patriotically painted garage graces our front cover), Marty Cooper (the title of whose most infamous song is parodied by the title of this mix), and the peoples of Haiti, El Salvador, and the nations of Africa (who should not have to put up with being dissed by the shithole President of the United States).

Donny and Marie were not harmed in the making of this mix.

19 tracks