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Entertain Us Please Almanac 2018


“You could look it up.” – Casey Stengel

In the days of our youth, in autumn, when a breeze blew leaves of a musty-colored yellow and a young man’s fancy turned lightly to thoughts such as “What’s the capital of Estonia?”, “When was Ethel Merman born?”, “Which team won the National League pennant in 1934?”, and “Who was Millard Fillmore’s vice president?”, we knew just where to look. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. It was the almanac. In honor and remembrance of that long gone pre-Wikipedian era, we present this useful reference compendium of 18 rocking tunes by 18 of 2018’s finest alternative rock artists including Fantastic Negrito, Parquet Courts, Oh Sees, and 15 more bands who know how to use the index.

18 tracks