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glittering stars, reflective moon


you would see the solar system suspended in me/ it's the same one in you that pulses and spins/
we're just made of flecks of the heavens, spat out spit/ we are filled with the gore from long before/
and I'm through starting wars to make you see me a warrior

I hope you all enjoy this!! kinda nice taking a break from making gk mixes haha
(antarc/phos vibes may or may not be present in this... u can decide hehe)

track list: https://heligre.tumblr.com/post/189027493443/phos1222

cover art by:
無題 | LUNCH #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?illust_id=69107006&mode=medium

13 tracks
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