XxThe EnigmaxX
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Of Madness and Desire


Vigaj is a Drow that came from the Underdark, once upon a time long ago. Though as that is a dangerous venture in her own, she was careful and came to the country of Xuna before arriving in the colorful city that she now calls home, Cleka. She lived in the city for sometime, quietly establishing roots within the city of fey until she opened her shop Lolth's Jewel. She dyed her hair from its original snowy white to the orange that she is seen with to blend in to prevent being attacked and forced back into the Underdark. Though it's much harder to hide the symbol of Lolth carved into her skin. She decided to open the Jewelry store due to her infatuation with objects that shimmer and shine and her skills with crafting jewelry that she does when she obtains more jewels.

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