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i don't live if you die.


It made him want to kill things, destroy things to keep her safe. Even though she could keep herself safe. Even though she was the bravest person he knew.

lex malla, lex nulla.
songs from julian to his emma

12 tracks
1 comment on i don't live if you die.

OMG, thank you soo much for making this amazing playlist!! I just started reading Lady Midnight and this was exactly what I needed. Your taste of music is lovely and your song choices for emma/jules are perfect! By the way, are you portuguese? I saw that you used pictures from NOS alive on some of your other playlist (which are equally amazing!). If yes, olá! também sou portuguesa :P

@Calithil oláaaaaa!!! finalmente encontrei alguém português!!! e muito obrigada, it means the world!!!! fico muito contente que faça justiça ao livro!!
