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my ULTIMATE disney mix


For those who want the full Disney experience.
All of my Disney playlists combined into one master mix.
Every time I add a Disney mix, I'll add on to this playlist.

Enjoy these next few hours.

Edit: Had to remove most Alan Menken songs due to the 8tracks regulations :(

31 tracks
9 comments on my ULTIMATE disney mix (View all)

If you read my description, it says this is a combination of all the disney mixes i've made. On my disney villains, I mention that i put a song from anastasia because rasputin was too good of a villain to pass up, even though he's not a disney character.

yeah, i'm thinking about including that in this description. see, anastasia was part of the villain's mix, and i said on there that he was too awesome of a villain to pass up ^^
