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The Romanian Indie Scene


I know that very few Romanian citizens know about this website, so I made this playlist for all you others who are willing to take a break from your usual music and spend an hour and a half listening to some of the best Romanian indie groups. Some of the songs are in English, some are instrumental only, but most of them are in Romanian. Have fun! 23 tracks by Robin and the Backstabbers, Toulouse Lautrec, Travka etc.

21 tracks
11 comments on The Romanian Indie Scene (View all)

bun asa... ar trebui sa fim mai activi si sa promovam muzica buna de la noi. Am intalnit aici in Danemarca un tip care mi-a spus ca lui ii place muzica romaneasca si ca are la el pe telefon niste melodii, si cand mi-a aratat ce asculta m-am crucit ... Romeo Fantasticu' ...

Ei, sa stii ca sunt romanasi pe 8tracks... Tot mai multi! Imi face placere sa aud muzica noastra romaneasca !! Home, sweet home!!

Ei, sa stii ca sunt romanasi pe 8tracks... Tot mai multi! Imi face placere sa aud muzica noastra romaneasca !! Home, sweet home!!
