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Apollo, God of Truth


Apollo was the most humanlike of the Gods. His twin sister is Artemis. His parents are Leto and Zeus. Hera had Python torment Leto. He killed Python. He fell in love with the naiad, Daphne who was turned into a laurel tree. He loved the Spartan Prince, Hyacinth who was killed. He desired Cassandra, a Princess of Troy. She tricked him, so he cursed her. She predicted the fall of Troy, but no one believed her. He loved Princess Coronis. She betrayed him. He had her killed. Asclepius's healing abilities surpassed his father Apollo's. He brought back the dead. Zeus killed him. Only Gods could be immortal. Apollo killed the Cyclops who had made Zeus's thunderbolts. Zeus threatened Apollo to Tartarus. He was forced to live as a mortal for a year. Zeus made Asclepius a constellation.

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