Zero Kara
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"I remember everything I did, Scott.
I remember pushing that sword into you.
I remember twisting it. Everything I did.
And the worst part is I remember liking it.
Because I felt powerful, I felt fearless and most of all in control."

"It wasn't you."

Stiles dealing with the aftermath of the Nogitsune.

9 tracks
2 comments on "This isn't you."

In that first track, when Derek says "Why wouldn't he take someone stronger, someone more powerful", what I hear is Derek saying "why didn't he take me instead?"

@SophieStilinski Well I'm a hardcore Sterek shipper so I see it as Derek being protective over Stiles and wishing the Nogitsune took him so Stiles never has to go through all of that. Derek wants to shoulder the burden so Stiles doesn't have to.

@Ryan Hagerty Hmhm. I ship sterek too so I see what you mean. It's just sad that Derek would do that to save Stiles, even though it would ruin Derek completely D:
