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Dreaming In Circles


"A sleeping man holds in a circle around him the thread of the hours, the order of years and of worlds." - Marcel Proust

11 circle-themed ambient songs for traveling through your dream stages from artists including Helios, Nils Frahm and Balmorhea.

11 tracks
2 comments on Dreaming In Circles

Well this is just beautiful...what a gem

@AWakingDream Thank you for the compliment. This was one of my most heavily researched mixes. I really fell off the 8tracks wagon last year... too many commitments and not enough time listening to music. Lack of an Apple CarPlay app doesn't help. Hopefully I'll get more time at some point and recommit to it. Thanks again for the support.

@ArlynFoma I hear that. Hopefully we'll have time this year to fit in more integrations and partnerships. First up is a Spotify integration, then Alexa, then we'll be able to prioritize new ones from there. Regardless, it's always a pleasure to come across your mixes. :)
