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"Quando voglio, con un rizzo
saettar so, chi mi guarda."

"When I want, move one of my curls,
and I got all your attention."

A baroque mix. Enjoy!

14 tracks
3 comments on ··BAROQUE LOLITA··

Love your mix of beautiful songs. i am not very knowledgable about classical music but just started listening. These songs make my soul fly. Thank you!

Beautiful mix! I've been minorly obsessed with your playlists so I'm so happy for another! This is absolutely fantastic up to the theme, the cover picture and the music. I really appreciate the effort you put into these mixes

@teslla Oh, I really appreciate your beautiful words :). Baroque is my weakness; music, art and fashion, especially. This is my favorite collection of Baroque music, because it is the most personal for me: I've heard it since I was a child. The aria 'Vedrò con mio Diletto' is my favourite; i listen it and begin to mourn of emotion. I'm sure that it will not be the only playlist that i create of baroque music, I have many melodies for sharing! : D (And sorry my english!)
