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I'll read you the cards, my dear. [II]


Major Arcana in music; twenty two futures, twenty two interpretations of human life.

Which is your card?

New Updated! (10/02/2018)

22 tracks
5 comments on I'll read you the cards, my dear. [II]

Oh my, The hermit hit home. My zodiac, my weaknesses, the language and an uncanny connection to my name. I think I may have just my card an a new favorite song. Thank you and both playlists are incredible!

@DJ Dyke Thank you, dear^^- The card of the hermit is much appreciated for me because it describes special people, with a different conception of the life against other personalities described in the arcana. I've been reading tarot for ten years, and let me tell you that you have one of the best Major Arcana. (And sorry my english :p)

@DeliriumTremens Your english is perfectly fine! Thank you so much for your comment, it absolutely made my day. The hermit is an amazing card, I agree, but wow, ten years of reading tarot is impressive! I've only been reading tarot for one and a half years and I still have a long way to go.
