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1 comment on carry the fire

just, don't look back and pillar of salt are E V E R Y T H I N G as bookends I am genuinely bowled over tbh, pairing that with "if I look back, I am lost" as a description feels like you presenting a thesis statement on her character and then just, expanding into infinity from there, supporting it with "I'm trying to outrun my past, but still trying to defeat my limits" like, the double-edged sword of being the last targareyn, everyone's waiting to see if she's going to destroy or create and then she just flips it and destroys so she Can create, every action she commits is done purely with the pre-meditated thought "I am a ruler" Dany is a queen before she is a woman, and she will always put her wants as a woman second to what she believes needs to be done as a ruler, it's amazing and it's painful and too much is never enough is just Too Much for her in that context, and god, everything burns, all that righteous fury smoldering over until it becomes a motherfucking wildfire, a destructive forced used for good and bad and whatever the hell she needs to do to accomplish her goals. and save the hero, just god, it's all too much and she's far too much and I cannot handle it at all ever tbh
