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doobie ashtray


4+20 tracks more...

trees of weed

mention to the big album releases this week with devinthedude and nas & damien marley..

album cover: Big Sur, California

23 tracks
4 comments on doobie ashtray

I love this. I love the vibe, the mix. So many cool tracks. Because I make similar mixes, I'll be "pinching" a few of these. I hope you don't mind. Cheers.

oh shit, now you throw Dub Side my way? i think i used this in one of my mixes too..."turn on the black light" or something...either way, i applaud your taste Sir...

i've seen those trees yo...them are some fine trees...i'm high as fuck, and thank you...oh and this 1st track is amazing...road to zion is my favorite track from Jamrock, so chill...
