73 comments on Still Studying. by giginana

A wonderful mix! Daughter, City and Colour, and The Paper Kites are three of my favourite artists. Glad we have the same taste in music. You could try listening to Angus and Julia Stone, The Honey Trees, Milo Greene, Priscilla Ahn, and Gabrielle Aplin. :D

Been listening to this playlist on REPLAYYYY for the past week or so. I love it so much, and its the only playlist i know that's "calm" enough. Thank you so much for uploading, you rock!

@bookreader45 Glad you're not getting tired of it yet haha. I've been scrounging around for study playlists myself. I might upload one soon. You rock for studying so much haha. I'm pleased to help! :)

@undefined PLEASE upload a study playlist! love you taste in music and the songs themselves. I swear i would llisten to that playlist everyday :) . -Thanks!!!

I think this is my fourth time listening to this mix now, and it is by far the best one I've found so far. So easy to focus with, and I've discovered some great new songs through it too! Thanks for making it!

I thought the description sorted it out but since this isn't the first comment of the sort that I received about this, I have removed the tag. I have also uploaded a fully instrumental mix. Happy studying folks!
