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There's Never Been A Better Time To Breathe


As someone who can have fits of anxiety out of no where, I found that the thing that calms me down the most is instrumental music, so I made a playlist in hopes that this can help someone else out there. Breathe it out, that feeling in your chest will leave soon.
(also ps! like most instrumentals, some of these contain a rise in the middle or near the end that might become a little more loud, but I'm hoping that doesn't ruin the immersion or break your mood, if a particular track doesn't seem to fit, please feel free to let me know!) As I find more I'll add them c:

10 tracks
1 comment on There's Never Been A Better Time To Breathe

This playlist is so good! I am very fortunate to not have anxiety, so I can't really tell if these songs are too *loud* or not. I really did need this playlist right now however because I've been stressed out a lot lately and it is a perfect playlist to sit back and chill to. I really want to make a short story to go with this playlist, I just have to sit my ass down to write sometime. I really, really enjoy this playlist and it's now one of my favorite lists on here. Thank you for making it
