26 comments on Late night café by Porsche85

Sinceramente, Me gustó
Escuché el playlist mientras hacia de comer ayer por la tarde
y hoy al iniciar la mañana en mi trabajo

"Sincerely, I liked it
I listened to this playlist meanwhile I was preparing food and once again starting at my work

Thanx a lot"

Hola! Estoy contenta que te le guste :) ! Trabajo ahora sobre un otro "jazzy mix" y lo pondré sobre 8tracks en unos cuantos días! Que le vaya bien!

Was working on an intense document last night, and this mix really made it much more productive for me than otherwise. Enjoyed the instrumental aspect combined with jazzy trip-hop vibe. Thanks for sharing!

Happy to know that this playlist helped! :) I am planning on creating another playlist of the same genre soon so stay tuned!!
