I make fanmixes. Check out my mix/icon/fiction journal for the full posts, organized by fandom, with longer song descriptions, back covers, and various other bonus illustrations:


===Current fandom breakdown:===
26 - Fake News (Daily Show/Colbert Report)
8 - Hellsing
5 - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
4 - Doctor Who
4 - Strangers With Candy
4 - Welcome to Night Vale
2 - Fandom itself
2 - Pet Shop of Horrors
2 - United States of Tara
2 - Where's Waldo?/Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?
1 - But I'm A Cat Person
1 each - Big Love, Chobits, The Grinch, Le Petit Prince, Maria-sama ga Miteru, RG Veda, R.O.D, Sailor Moon, US Politics

8 - Christmas/miscellaneous

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Updated April 20, 2013

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