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Down The River

1 comment on Down The River

Your writing mixes always have the most interesting pieces. They make me very intrigued about those stories you write. Are there any place where we can read them, or they're just for you? Anyway, congrats!

@Belsan_Empress Sometimes I publish my writing pieces on my tumblr blog (what-the-nesmith.tumblr.com) but besides that I don't actually know anywhere else to publish them (although I have to look into original works on an ao3). I would love to share them sometime though, if you are interested in reading them! I'm glad someone likes my writing mixes because I always just make them for me but publish them anyways just in case others want in on some of these sick jams ya know.

@what-the-nesmith Sick they are, indeed! I bet the stories are very interesting too. I'll snoop around your tumblr and see what I find there, with your permission ;)
