182 comments on background sounds II by calmcity

@Coquelicot-chan thanks! and yes. what happened was, after I had posted background sounds I, it had disappeared from my profile. so I made a duplicate, but then it reappeared. hence, two of the same playlist.

This is my favourite playlist that I've come across in my many years at school. I've been using it since summer 2012 for whenever I need to have a productive day. Thank you for taking the time to put this together and making my study days so much better!

I have been listening to this playlist for over a year and a half now! I have to say it is the only thing that has ever gotten me to focus while writing essays. Every single one of your playlists are amazing. Thanks for the great mixes :)

I don't usually comment on 8tracks playlists, but this deserves a comment. For the past year and a half this has been my go to playlist when I need to focus and get shit done, and it works. I recommend it to my friends all the time.

I'm listening to this station while I write an 8 page paper due on Friday and it's helping me focus! Thank you!!!!!!!

So help me god, Maxence Clarin's cover of "Where Is My Mind" and Explosion in the Sky's "Your Hand in Mine" are on EVERY SINGLE INSTRUMENTAL PLAYLIST.

Otherwise, good choices!

Thank you so much for making two of these. Every time I have this playlist on 8tracks stops me from repeating atleast one, if not both. You are the best.

This mix is seriously therapeutic in a day and age where stress dominates so many lifestyles. Calms the mind.

Much appreciated mix!

I've listened to this playlist while studying organic chemistry, designing websites, chilling out and going to sleep. It's perfect for all situations when you need a bit of ambiance. Love it.

I have heard this playlist OVER AND OVER AND OVER again! Downloaded almost every song. This was the first one I listened to on 8tracks and it inspired me to make playlists myself. Thank you sooo much.
I owe you :')

I wish they had a repeat button so this mix would play over and over again while I study, it also puts me to sleep really well. No other mix can touch this one by a long shot, thank you!

I put this on every time I open my books, I wish I could convince my prof to let me play this during exams! Unreal focus! Thank you!!
