49 comments on gewjkgw by ching#1337 was here75

I’m making over $17k a month working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make online so I decided to look into it. Well, it was all true and has totally changed my life.

This is where i started…>>>

Been in love with this playlist for several years now. Always always always calms me at night before bed. So nice thank you

Hello Music-man :)) Needed just piano for a paper to write this evening... Not enough focused on my work because I loved so much the music but it was a pleasure and a great moment (Glad you chose many french musicians :).
Pascal Rogé is perfect as always on Satie and for sure Poulenc is my man! I smiled when I guessed the music I heard was Hauschka.㋡♪
Once more... You have the best mixes on this place.
*✿* Merci ! *✿*

I guess Hauschka becomes our common composer that always gives positive and light emotions. agree, that Pascal Rogé is perfect for playing Satie! thank you one more time. I appreciate your mind and musical taste too. have a nice day!

I like this song too (and any Max Richter work)! as for Shostakovich, I've found this album and must say that it's Francis Poulenc track from "Shostakovich: Piano Concertos Nos. 1 & 2; Poulenc: Concerto for Two Pianos (Bernstein Royal Edition No. 80 of 100)". but who is playing - I don't really know. if I'm not mistaken, Arthur Gold and Robert Fizdal. anyway, great Bernstein performance too. thanks for this question!
