The 8tracks API is constantly being improved and updated. If there's a feature you like to see, or have any questions of concerns, please feel free to send an email to

The current policies for using the 8tracks API:

  • Read and adhere to our Licensing, Copyright, Terms of use, and Privacy policy.
  • Make it clear in your app that it is using 8tracks but is not an official 8tracks application.
  • Web integrations should have a link to
  • For commercial use of the API (including ad revenue) you must receive permission. Please contact
  • You must report back to us on the 30 second mark of any track played so we can pay royalties.
  • In the future, 8tracks could require that audio or visual ads are included.

Trademark guidelines

To avoid confusion for your users and ours, here are some simple guidelines for how to use the 8tracks name and logos in your application, website or service.

  • Make it clear that your app is using 8tracks using appropriate explanation within the description or functionality of your application or site.
  • Use '*8tracks' in a referential phrase such as "powered by", "connected to" or similar Design your site, logos and titles with unique branding elements that are clearly distinct from 8tracks.
  • Imply false affiliation, sponsorship or partnership of your application or site with 8tracks.
  • Use official versions of the 8tracks logos in the logo of your application or site.
  • Register and employ domains containing 8tracks.
  • Use 8tracks trademarks or logos in a disparaging or misleading manner.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at
