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rite of the eight suns


In the deep places, forgotten except in dreams, we awoke.

Nine tracks featuring new Actress, new Photek, and a double shot of Amon Tobin.

Art by David Aronson.

9 tracks
12 comments on rite of the eight suns (View all)

oh cum on Grannie get your head off your spinxtor I don't care how flexible a dead person is that is just as sick as.....

HOLY Gods in monkey shit not what I was expecting @ all but so in love with my headspace NOW!! Thx DJ_DIM_MAC

Hey mate, about that DueWet... have started a mix called Shakalaka Jamz, as I suggested earlier with some Hip-Hop/Grime/Electro cuts. Take a look and tell me if your in :) Would be easier to coordinate this via mail: soulkor at lavabit dot com
