12 comments on rite of the eight suns by dj_dim-mak

oh cum on Grannie get your head off your spinxtor I don't care how flexible a dead person is that is just as sick as.....

HOLY Gods in monkey shit not what I was expecting @ all but so in love with my headspace NOW!! Thx DJ_DIM_MAC

Hey mate, about that DueWet... have started a mix called Shakalaka Jamz, as I suggested earlier with some Hip-Hop/Grime/Electro cuts. Take a look and tell me if your in :) Would be easier to coordinate this via mail: soulkor at lavabit dot com

Ahh! the Eight Sun track got skipped somehow, or lasted only 10 secs?
Well anyway... i'm soothed with some "Nice and slow, nice and low" ... or what are these vocals chanting under the Waterfalls? :P
