470 comments on Classical Dubstep... by DocEllis

This is dope nice dubstep with classical music its awesome ive been waiting for this didnt even know it was possible great...

Thank you! I love this playlist.
Good dubstep has a lot of elements of classical music, just composed on a modern instrument.
I only wish the playlist were longer.

Love this, especially like Beethoven's Fifth - very A Clockwork Orange. Yes it was the 9th in the Movie, but I suspect if the film were remade today it would be the 9th in dub step with a sound much like this.

Thanks to everyone who keeps listening to this Mix, I haven't made any new ones in a while, but i'll get on it soon, just amazed to see how many people liked this one and just had to say thanks!

Love this mix! Has all my favorite classical songs with a BAMF of an awesome twist! Best idea ever!! :D Love it! Keep up the amazing work! ;)
