223 comments on The Saddest Music In The World... by JacobDeZoet

This playlist got me through a lot of hard feeling and tough choices, thank you for assembling these tracks together

There's a video/documentry callded The Saddest Music in the world, its about trying to find the saddest music in the world,. I wonder if this is related?

Nice mix, but I'm sorry, no collection of sad music is complete without Gorecki's Symphony no. 3, particularly the second movement. Blows the Lost soundtrack out of the water. Beck's "Nobody's Fault but My Own" and Kate Nash's Live at Abbey Road version of "Nicest Thing" are also some of my fav sad songs. Seriously, though, if you haven't heard Gorecki and truly are searching for sad songs, look it up, the lyrics are taken from writing on a Gestapo prison cell.

seriously guy? did you really come here just to talk about how your sad music is so much better than this sad music? could you be less of a hipster douche please

i will avoid this mix if i move back to Seattle. it is rather pleasant to listen to in this phoenix but the grey sky and daily drizzle along with this mix would be suicide for sure.
